Operation Impala – Misuse of Information Inquiry
In August 2019, the Crime and Corruption Commission launched Operation Impala to examine the misuse of personal and sensitive information by public sector agencies.
In discharging its corruption function, the CCC has conducted investigations of alleged corrupt conduct relating to misuse of information within the Queensland public sector, both directly, and in its monitoring role. As a result of investigations conducted, a number of possible systemic issues have been identified. Operation Impala examined these issues with a view to raising standards of integrity relevant to: detecting, managing and preventing corruption risks associated with misuse of information within the public sector; and the way allegations of suspected corrupt conduct against public sector staff are dealt with by the various agencies.
The CCC held nine days of public hearings in November 2019 and heard from 31 witnesses. The CCC also called for public submissions inviting key stakeholders and members of the public to contribute their views regarding improper access to and disclosure of confidential information, and the associated corruption risks in the Queensland public sector. As part of the call for submissions, an issues paper providing background information and key questions to guide written submissions was made available on the CCC’s website.
The CCC’s report was tabled in Parliament on 21 February 2020, and contains 18 recommendations, including requirements about access control mechanisms, privacy training and awareness messaging, amendments to Queensland’s privacy legislation and a new criminal offence.
The report is available on the CCC’s website as well as a one page summary.
Please contact Deputy Crown Solicitor, Karen Watson or Assistant Crown Solicitor, Ben Cramer for further information.