Right to information
Right to information
The Queensland Government is the custodian of information that belongs to the community and ensures information is available to all sectors of the community.
Disclosure log
Documents released to applicants under the Right to Information Act 2009 will be progressively published on the Department of Justice and Attorney-General website on the disclosure log.
Publication scheme
This scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from the Department. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information as part of the response to the review of Freedom of Information laws.
Administrative access policies
Administrative Access Policies allow the Department to give access to certain types of information as a matter of course without the need for a formal application under legislative schemes such as the RTI and IP Acts.
Administrative access other than under a scheme – 'one off' requests
The Department receives ‘one off’ requests for access to particular documents on a daily basis, from copies of annual reports, to governance documents and departmental policies. Where possible, the Department strives to make documents available as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Accessing information for use in legal proceedings
If you are involved in criminal or civil court matters, you can legally require a person to produce a document or item to the court.
Access under the statutory schemes – RTI and IP Acts
There are two key pieces of legislation that can be used to access documents held by Queensland Government – the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) and the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act).
Both of these Acts allow people to apply for documents containing information. Documents include files, computer printouts, maps, plans, photographs, tape recordings, films or videotapes and other means of storing information, and copies, extracts from or parts of documents.
Making an application
You will need to complete the approved RTI access application form which can be completed and lodged online. However, there are certain mandatory requirements for a valid application that can only be sent via ordinary mail.
Access and amendment under IP Act
The Information Privacy Act 2009 provides a very similar access mechanism to that contained in the RTI Act. The key difference is that a person may only apply to access documents containing their own personal information under the IP Act. If you wish to obtain access to documents that do not contain your personal information, you will need to apply under the RTI Act.
Types of personal information the department holds
The IP Act regulates how Queensland Government agencies manage personal information. Under this Act, Government agencies are required to manage personal information in accordance with the 11 Information Privacy Principles.
Right to Information and privacy applications received
Data snapshots of Right to Information and Information Privacy applications received for Department of Justice and Attorney-General documents.
Frequently requested documents
Information on frequently requested documents such as criminal history, birth and marriage certificates, coronial records, court transcripts, electoral roll, adoption information, health records, cabinet documents and ministerial media statements.