Adam Hall
Principal Lawyer
Adam has been practising law since 2005. He joined Crown Law in 2008 after gaining experience in the private sector.
Adam provides specialist advice to clients in the areas of information technology, intellectual property and commercial law. His clients benefit from his in-depth technical skills and strong commercial focus.
Adam’s experience in advising government departments and agencies includes:
- drafting and negotiating information technology agreements under the Government Information Technology Contracting (GITC) Framework, including whole-of-government standing offer arrangements, and drafting and negotiating variations to existing GITC contracts
- advising government agencies on the operation and application of GITC contracts, including the management and resolution of disputes under such contracts
- assisting government agencies with the procurement of information technology solutions, from the preparation of tender documents through to execution of the contract
- advising on the commercialisation of government intellectual property through assignment and licensing, including assisting with the commercialisation of government-developed material
- assisting government agencies with the protection and registration of trade marks
- managing pending and registered trade marks
- advising on the misuse of domain names
- advising on whole-of-government copyright arrangements
- advising on appropriate website terms of use, privacy and copyright notices and disclaimers
- advising government agencies on information technology and intellectual property issues arising from machinery of government changes
- advising on the legal risks associated with the use of social media websites, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Special projects
Adam has been involved in significant projects for government agencies including:
- ongoing involvement in the GITC Review and Refresh project being undertaken by the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation
- advising a government department on the termination of all existing GITC contracts between the government and a major supplier, and the arrangement for replacement contracts
- drafting a tailored contract for the provision of call centre services for a statutory authority responsible for the provision of public transportation services in Queensland
- advising on and drafting necessary consent forms to permit a large agency to use the personal information and copyright material of individuals, including minors, on a wide variety of social media websites
- undertaking a review of all legislation administered by two agencies to identify any legislative restrictions which would prevent the utilisation of an offshore cloud email solution
- drafting and negotiating a GITC contract for the digitisation of records containing sensitive personal information, including services provided by an offshore supplier
- drafting and negotiating a tailored GITC contract for a cloud-based budget management solution.