Brent Manning
Special Counsel
Brent joined Crown Law in July 2005 after practising law in both large and mid-size commercial law firms in New Zealand and Australia.
Before moving to Brisbane, Brent worked for six years in two top-tier New Zealand firms, focusing on corporate and general commercial law areas. His experience included a secondment to the Shell New Zealand in-house legal team.
In Brisbane, Brent’s private sector experience focussed on capital raisings, acquisitions and other corporate matters, including provision of corporate governance advice. He was also seconded to Golden Circle Ltd in an in-house counsel role.
Since joining Crown Law, Brent has acted and advised on regulatory and compliance matters, government contracts, procurement issues, funding arrangements, inter-governmental agreements, regulation and governance of statutory bodies and government-controlled companies, competition and consumer issues, privacy issues and various other commercial matters.
- Advising the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation on issues concerning the control and acquisition of interests in casino licences and related entities, required approvals and negotiation of related agreements, including advice in relation to the proposed acquisition of the Reef Hotel Casino by the Aquis Group.
- Advising on proposed amendments to the Comalco and Mount Isa Mines special Act agreements and special Act agreements for the Breakwater Island and Jupiters Gold Coast Casinos.
- Assisting Procurement Transformation in the Department of Housing and Public Works in relation to the development of the suite of whole-of-government social services funding terms.
- Assisting the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services to develop template social services funding documents for use in conjunction with the suite of whole-of-government terms.
- Drafting a complex agreement for the provision of investment funding as part of the government’s Elderly Parent Carer Innovation Trail.
- Advising Queensland Rural Adjustment Authority about its ability to administer a number of Commonwealth farm assistance schemes in Queensland and the Northern Territory.
- Advising on various issues related to the restructuring of Tourism and Events Queensland.
- Advising on governance and contractual arrangements regarding major sporting events including hosting arrangements for the 2018 Commonwealth Games and the 2015 Cricket World Cup.
- Advising the Queensland Museum on agreements related to their ‘Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb’ exhibition.
- Advising on the establishment and operation of disaster relief funds by the Queensland Government in relation to Cyclone Larry and the 2010/11 Queensland floods.