Online CPD training

Crown Law’s free Online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training Program helps lawyers and non-lawyers in the Queensland Government develop and maintain their legal knowledge. All course content is comprehensive and practical and has been developed specifically for government officers by senior Crown Law lawyers.

On successful completion, participants will be eligible to claim one CPD point per module. Each module takes about one hour to complete.

Crown Law has three free online CPD modules available to all government officers:

  • The Model Litigant Principles
  • Legal Professional Privilege
  • Statutory Interpretation.
The Model Litigant Principles

This module is based on the Queensland Government's formal Model Litigant Principles, which reflect the community's and the courts' expectation that the State conduct itself in a manner that exemplifies the principles of justice.

The course discusses:

  • where did the Model Litigant Principles come from and why is the State subject to them?
  • who is required to follow the Model Litigant Principles?
  • what are the Model Litigant Principles and how are they applied?
Legal Professional Privilege

This module defines legal professional privilege and examines its three mandatory requirements. The module covers:

  • what legal professional privilege is
  • elements of legal professional privilege
  • expert reports
  • documents obtained via non-party disclosure
  • claiming and challenging privilege
  • waiver of privilege.
Statutory Interpretation

The purpose of this module is to guide government officers on the main areas of statutory interpretation law. Topics include:

  • the modern approach to interpretation: purpose and context
  • extrinsic material in interpretation
  • the principle of 'legality'
  • Crown not bound by statute or criminal sanctions
  • legislation is presumed to operate prospectively
  • legislation is presumed not to have extraterritorial effect
  • overview of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld)
  • the meaning of the term ‘the scope of an Act'.

Our CPD Training Program is available to Queensland Government officers only.

Queensland Government officers can complete the Online CPD enrolment form to register for our courses. Once your form has been processed, you will receive email instructions on how to enrol in the course.

CPD enrolments are valid for one month. If your enrolment expires before completing a course, you will need to re-enrol.

Crown Law staff have immediate access to the courses and are not required to complete an enrolment form.