Qld hosts Crown Solicitors' Conference
Crown Law Queensland hosted the 2015 Crown Solicitors’
Conference on 4 and 5 June which was attended by delegates from Australian
states and territories, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
Delegates each reported on the operation of their practice
for the preceding year and discussed a variety of issues which confront
government legal practices and how they are overcoming these challenges.
Assistant Crown Solicitor, Margaret Maloney from Crown Law's Advocacy Mackenzie Parslow Chambers lead a discussion on Queensland's dangerous prisoners (sexual offenders) legislation which was well received.
Queensland Crown Solicitor, Greg Cooper said he was
delighted to have had the opportunity to host this year’s conference and to
exchange ideas with colleagues from other states and neighbouring countries.
The Crown Solicitors’ Conference is an annual event which
has been conducted over the past 20 years. Each year’s conference host is chosen
from a roster with each state and territory taking turns to host the event.