Replacement Queensland Information Technology Contracting (QITC) Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) Framework
The Department of Housing and Public Works recently completed its review of the QITC Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) Framework which was released in late 2017.
Following the completion of the review, a replacement QITC SOA Framework has been published by the Department. The replacement QITC SOA Framework represents a significant change from the prior QITC SOA Framework.
The replacement QITC Framework is comprised of all of the following:
- QITC SOA Framework – Guidance Notes for Standing Offer Arrangements
- template QITC SOA Invitation to Offer (ITO)
- QITC SOA Conditions and corresponding template QITC SOA Details
- QITC SOA general contract framework, including:
- QITC SOA General Contract Conditions
- template QITC SOA General Contract Details
- QITC SOA comprehensive contract framework, including:
- QITC SOA Comprehensive Contract Conditions
- template QITC SOA Comprehensive Contract Details
- QITC SOA Modules 1 to 7
- template QITC SOA Module Order Forms 1 to 7
- template QITC SOA Schedules 1 to 11.
The combined QITC SOA Conditions and corresponding template QITC SOA Details is an entirely new document which replaces the prior QITC SOA Conditions and Details. The QITC SOA general and comprehensive contract frameworks are based on the standard, non-SOA QITC Framework documents. Part D – Contract of the QITC SOA Framework – Guidance Notes for SOAs includes a table of the main changes to the QITC SOA General and Comprehensive Contract Conditions. Agencies who establish a new SOA will be responsible for determining which of the two contract types, that is, general or comprehensive, will be created under that SOA.
All of the documents which together comprise the replacement QITC Framework can be found in a single location.
The ‘Create an ICT contract’ webpage has also been updated to include a link to the replacement QITC SOA Framework and the non-SOA template QITC ITO and Guidance Notes which were previously found in a separate location.
The release of the replacement QITC SOA Framework means that, going forward, there will potentially be SOAs in place under three separate contracting frameworks: legacy Government Information Technology Contracting (GITC) (Version 5) SOAs, QITC (Version 1) SOAs and QITC (Version 2) SOAs. For all new QITC (Version 2) SOAs, the SOA may provide for the creation of general or comprehensive contracts under that SOA. Agencies will need to be mindful of the different SOA Frameworks which may apply when electing to procure ICT products and services under a SOA.
If you have any questions about the replacement QITC SOA Framework documents, establishing new SOAs or procuring ICT products and services under existing SOAs, Crown Law can help.