New guidance for using generative AI products and services


The Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group (QGCDG) recently published a new Use of Generative AI in Queensland Government Guideline and accompanying Use of Generative AI for Government Information Sheet through the Queensland Government Enterprise Architecture (QGEA).

The use of generative AI products and services, such as the popular ChatGPT AI chatbot, by employees in performing their official duties is a topical and pressing issue. The new Guideline and Information Sheet will provide all Queensland Government employees with much needed guidance on the appropriate use of generative AI products and services. A formal policy which governs the responsible use of generative AI products and services within Queensland Government is expected to be developed and released in the future. The formal policy will mandate the responsibilities of Queensland Government agencies when using generative AI.

The Queensland Government is also intending to provide employees with an internal generative AI solution for use by employees in a safe, secure and managed environment. QChat is an interactive virtual assistant which is currently only available to limited Queensland Government agencies participating in an initial trial. A prompt guide has been developed for use specifically with QChat, however it could also be a valuable resource for employees using alternative generative AI products and services, where such use is permitted and appropriate.

If you have any questions about using generative AI products and services, Crown Law can help.