Gugu Badhun People’s native title agreement to boost employment
On 1 August 2012, the Federal Court of Australia recognised the Gugu Badhun People’s native title rights and interests over approximately 650,000 hectares of land west of Ingham in North Queensland.
Principal Lawyer Carrie Tobler said the State negotiated the determination that recognised the Gugu Badhun People’s exclusive rights to possession, occupation, use and enjoyment over 13 parcels of unallocated State land covering 1454 ha.
The determination also recognised the Gugu Badhun People’s non-exclusive rights to be present on, camp, hunt, gather, conduct ceremonies and maintain places of importance and significance in accordance with traditional laws and customs over 51 parcels covering 650,146 ha.
The Gugu Badhun People and the State also negotiated an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) for the management and ongoing protection of a national park within the determination area.
“The agreement provides employment opportunities for the Gugu Badhun People and sets up a protocol to negotiate long-term agreements for future development, strategies and economic opportunities within the ILUA area,” Carrie said.
The determination would not have been possible without the efforts of Principal Lawyers Carrier Tobler and Anita Cope; Assistant Crown Solicitors Frances Cannon and Kristy Snape; Senior Lawyer Sarah Svensson; and Counsel Helen Bowskill.
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Published: 10 September 2012
Author: Anita Cope