
  • Scales

    Brown v Tasmania

    31 May 2017

    Former Senator and Australian Greens leader Dr Bob Brown challenged the validity of Tasmanian legislation which regulates protest activity in or near workplaces on the basis that the legislation infringes the implied freedom of political communication.

  • Online

    New ICT contracting framework to replace GITC

    30 May 2017

    Lawyers from Crown Law’s Commercial and Property Team have been working in collaboration with the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation (DSITI) to develop a new ICT contracting framework for government.

  • scales-of-justice

    No limitation period for survivors of childhood sexual abuse in Queensland

    25 May 2017

    Following recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, from 1 March 2017 in Queensland, survivors of childhood sexual abuse are not subject to a limitation period and they may bring a personal injuries claim at any time.

  • Themis abstract

    New requirements for filing documents on the commercial list at the Supreme Court

    24 May 2017

    Please be aware of new requirements under the Supreme Court Practice Direction no 21 of 2016 in relation to matters on the Commercial List.

  • Judgment definition

    Ku-ring-gai Council v Garry West: recent decision

    04 May 2017

    In the recent decision of Ku-ring-gai Council v Garry West as delegate of the Acting Director-General, Office of Local Government [2017] NSWCA 54, the NSW Court of Appeal considered the question of whether the public interest in the production of documents outweighed the public interest in preserving secrecy and confidentiality.