Right to terminate must be exercised within a reasonable time
13 November 2019A recent decision of the NSW Court of Appeal provides guidance on when a party must exercise a contractual right of termination.
Contractual rights may be limited by implied term of good faith
07 November 2019A recent decision of the Queensland Supreme Court has highlighted that express contractual rights may be limited by an implied duty of good faith.
State Government removes limitation period for victims of historical physical and psychological abuse
25 October 2019Attorney-General, Yvette D’Ath has announced the Queensland State Government has removed the limitation period for victims of historical abuse to include serious physical and psychological abuse.
- High Court judgement clarifies overlap in application between ss 10 and 26 of the Limitation of Actions Act 197417 September 2019
On 4 September 2019, the High Court delivered judgement in Brisbane City Council v Amos [2019] HCA 27.
Protecting Indigenous knowledge in the intellectual property system
03 September 2019The appropriate recognition and protection of Indigenous cultural and intellectual property (ICIP) is an increasingly important issue for many departments and agencies in a variety of different scenarios.