Hamcor Pty Ltd & Anor v State of Qld
[2015] ACA 18312 October 2015Crown Law’s Commercial Dispute Resolution Team has successfully defended an appeal on behalf of Queensland Fire and Rescue Service concerning alleged breaches of duty of care in negligence in fighting one of the State’s largest chemical fires.
Significant changes to procedures for workers’ compensation appeals
08 October 2015From 1 October 2015, there are significant changes to the procedures for appeals made to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003.
CL defends vocal cord damage claim
25 September 2015Crown Law was recently successful in settling a claim made against a department by an employee who alleged damage to vocal chords from talking at work.
Bidjara People v State of Qld
17 September 2015Wyman on behalf of the Bidjara People v State of Queensland [2015] FCAFC108
CCAQ v Smith
17 September 2015Crown Law acted for the Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines in Coast and Country Association of Queensland Inc v Smith [2015] QSC 260 in which Justice Douglas of the Supreme Court delivered judgment on 4 September 2015.