Crown Law Choir performs at the Law Year Church Service
28 July 2017The Crown Law Choir had the privilege again this year of contributing to the music for the Law Year Church Service, which took place on Monday 10 July at the Albert Street Uniting Church.
Staff dedication and commitment celebrated
04 July 2017Crown Law held its annual Staff Excellence Awards Ceremony in the Banco Court on Thursday 1 June 2017.
High Court hands down judgment in Rizeq v Western Australia
26 June 2017On 21 June 2017, the High Court handed down judgment in the matter of Rizeq v Western Australia, which seems set to become a landmark judgment in the topic of federal jurisdiction.
Sacking of senior employee with drug conviction was discriminatory
16 June 2017Discrimination on the basis of criminal record is prohibited by the AustralianHuman Rights Commission Regulation 1989 (Cth).
Senate passes amendments to the Native Title Act
13 June 2017The Senate passed amendments to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA) on 14 June 2017.